After a year of experience, we've decided at Tucoola, to share our adventures with you.
The last year was full of activity - between refining Tucoola's concept, finance investments and travelling, we were not able to find the time to sit and divulge all of the details.
A new site is always a good opportunity to "do it".
We promise to write and bring you everything new in the games arena and share with all of you our activities with various companies – from Us to the Netherlands, from France to Bosnia, from Turkey to the UK and from Brazil to Belgium.
So what is Tucoola?
Tucoola is focused on developing a platform and monitoring products aimed at enhancing the basic skills of children aged 2-8 by using popular on-line games, while at the same time enabling parents to monitor their kid’s development progress by reviewing parent’s reports.
Tucoola provides a technology platform, enabling game developers to integrate Tucoola's algorithm into their existing games without the need to make any changes to the existing game's code.
The Tucoola’s Zone offers Websites & game developers a new business model and new revenue stream - Tucoola's innovative zone provides on-line Flash games for children and an Information Center for parents.
Since we don't develop games and don't distribute the Tucoola's Zone to end users, we are working with plenty of games developers and distributers worldwide on a licensing & revenue share model.
Our platform allows games developers to integrate our algorithm in their exciting games in less than one hour while distributers can add the Tucoola's Zone as a white label to their site in a simple process. These reasons give rise to Tucoola's activity and helped us to approach the biggest players in the games industry in only a few months.
Every year 138 million babies are born! Parents are trying to make correct choices that will be beneficial for the development of their children - Tucoola offers an innovative solution for this challenge.
Researchers discovered that "time spent online among kids' increased by 63% in the last five years".
43% of the parents indicated that they don't play video games with their kids at all while 30% spend less than an hour a week playing video games with their children.
Tucoola is here for the children and their parents – we monitor, measure and improve children's skills using quality and filtered content.
We promise to return soon and inform you about our latest developments and bring some interesting guests to the blog.
Tucoola's Team!