These are the last days before the launch of Tucoola and it is time to say thanks!
Those are crazy days that start very early and continue till late, very late.
A lot of people are involved in the process and you can see the passion and the energy in each and every of them.
We haven't finished yet, but I think that it's time for some thanks:
The academic team that helped to build all the concept.
The designers that have built a new language – Tucoola's language.
The lawyer that works hard to complete all the legal issues needed for the site.
The partners that supply various content to the site.
The developers that have been eating a lot of pizza in the last days while fixing bugs.
And my family that have been there for me from the beginning through all the hard times.
They are my fuel, my love and even my testing team :).
Thanks for all!
Get ready for the next post – it will contain the "green light" to start using Tucoola!