I'm a father of one and soon I'll be of two.
When my firstborn arrived my life have changed like I couldn't even imagine.
Like all parents, my wife and I enjoy receiving compliments like: "he is great", "he is very mature" and we smile a lot because people think that he's smart.
Like everyone, everyday I find myself thinking about my family, work, health, money and yes, about my son's development progress.
Yes, this is part of my new life as a parent. I have evacuated an area in my brain when my child was born and now it is dedicated to thinking about him.
At the end of the day, it's really simple! I just want to hear that he is OK and on the right track. This is what Tucoola is about.
A few days ago, I had a meeting with two senior lecturers.
I'm trying to meet with as many experts as I can from the academic world in order to present Tucoola and get some feedback.
We have a great advisory board with the best people from every field in the Academy world, but still, it's important for me to share our life work with more experts, get more feedback, obtain new ideas, etc.
After meeting dozens of experts, it's official! They think that Tucoola is a nature product of the technology development in our days. They don’t think that it's too mechanical, they aren't threatened by Tucoola's technology and they understand that we don't want to take anyone's place - We just want to use the tools that the technology has given us and use it to understand and help our children.
Everyone agrees that monitoring and measuring children while playing games using Tucoola platform is a great solution for the new generation.
We are all interested in learning about our children's development progress, especially monitoring each child's personal advancement from the beginning to the end (with our famous graph that presents the development).
My son will be 2 years old this week and it's seems that soon, as a father, I'll be able to enjoy Tucoola :)!