It seems like all of us are parents.
Tucoola is a company that deals with children – you would think that this is the reason that we begin all our meetings talking about children...
I don't think so!
I think that it's quite simple – all of us have changed since the minute that this magic began.
The first few days, we were in shock!
The next few weeks, we were tired!
And then, it became our life - a new life!!!
Now that I have a kid and in the next few weeks a new baby girl, it seems like my life have prepared me to the moment I became a father.
Our influences begin from the good and bad things we saw at home, at our extended family, friends' houses, etc.
And then, one day, you grow up and you start to think about yourself as a parent – I'll do this and I'll do that, and then, your love of your life appears and – It happens, you have a baby .
In the beginning they don't do anything besides crying and sleeping.
After a few months they start to respond – the first smile is worth more than any smile you've received up till that moment.
And then they start walking, talking, developing and even bossing you around like no manager did before.
So let's go back to the beginning – we talk about them all day, because they are our life!
And from February 7th, 2008, I found a new life and a new purpose – Fatherhood !