Wednesday, November 30, 2011


These days, an internet company needs 3 things:

1. To reach the users

2. To understand the user needs

3. To provide your service to the users

When Tucoola started, we focused on developing the company's tech, product and concept.

As you all know, a few months ago we exposed Tucoola with partners like Zapak and ynet and about 3 months ago, we added a b2c strategy with the thought that a lot of users would like to come directly to

It was a smart move – more than 500,000 users will visit Tucoola in Q4, 2011!

These days, Tucoola is a poplar site in the united states, south America, Brazil, Russia and more countries all over the world.

And what is the connection to the headline "Google"?

It's easy! Google is the company that allows us to get to the user, to understand their needs and the monetization process in

As a "normal" user, I thought that Google is a great search engine and a good company.

As a guy that works to promote our great company on a daily basis, I was surprised to learn about other great services that Google provides.

Thanks to Google for helping us become a better company on a daily basis!